
Front Porch

Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. — 1 Peter 4:9 NKJV

In this time context, many Christians moved about often. Some as refugees, and others as ministers. As they traveled, they would be met with the hospitality of a brother and sister in Christ. To greet a traveler in the faith and welcome them into your home was considered an honor. Repeat… it was an honor to invite travelers into your own home as guests. It was a privilege to be able to meet their needs. Peter says in v.9 to offer hospitality without grumbling. Then, as now, not everyone in the household would always share the same enthusiasm for accommodating guests.

Ministering to the needs of others costs. But, love for one another is never cheap when it is sincere unto the Lord. Today grumbling is common. Even a casual “good morning” often turns into a competition for whose life and ailments are harder.

Where is your own heart in regard to grumblings and hospitality? Is your home open and inviting, or a stopgap against an encroaching world? Are guests at ease, or afraid to make their presence known? Is it a cold showpiece of your wealth and position, or a warm haven for anyone in need of rest or rescue? Move forward men, creating an environment around us of humility, gentleness and invitation that suggests “come and see what the Lord has provided”.

Bring back the front porch, and freedom to approach it and let’s remove the “no trespassing” signs stamped on our hearts. Are we kings of our castles, with walls and defenses on display, or sons of the Kingdom pointing to “the Way”?

Vance Durrance

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