2023 Upcoming Events
Most HRMG events are held at the new location: Gateway Ministry Center, 80 Yarbrough Road, Hull, GA 30646 (we meet downstairs; come to the down on the right side as you face the building). We list events of other like-minded groups, ministries, and churches in our area as well as our own.
Every Monday | Coffee, Culture and Jesus, 6:30PM – 7:30PM, Gateway Ministry Center, Hull. Contact Derek Dougherty, 910.827.4290 for more information. |
2nd and 4th Thursdays | Men of 300, 7:30PM, Location: Danielsville Fire Department. Contact Roy Combs, 706.201.8020 for more information. |
Every Saturday | HRMG, 6:30AM – 9:00AM, Gateway Ministry Center, Hull. Contact Tim Smith, 706.424.1171 for more information. |
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Coming in 2023 | Middle Georgia Evangelical Collaborations. Contact Todd Hunt, 478.954,1149 for more information. |
The Hardman Road Men’s Group model is to equip men with a deeper understanding of God and how He works so that they can say ‘yes’ when called and can join Jesus in His efforts. Activities of the group include internal activities of Bible study, discipleship, and support, and external-focused activities that serve others and point those in our circle of influence to Jesus.
Saturday Bible Study
The original Hardman Road Men’s Group (HRMG) meets every Saturday at 6:30AM for breakfast, fellowship and Bible study. The Bible study is held at the lower level of the Gateway Ministry Center, 80 Yarbrough Road, Hull 30646 (near Angie’s Place, off Hwy 72). The goal of the meeting is a deeper understanding and love of God and His Son Jesus. The meeting generally ends with group prayer around 9:00 am.
Coffee, Culture and Jesus
Focus: This meeting, conducted over coffee and associated snacks, is a light discussion about the relevance of Jesus and the Bible in today’s culture. Current topics are discussed and scriptures are addressed to any raised questions or concerns. The conclusion of each meeting will be, “What is the application for my life?”.
Who should attend? Individuals interested in better understanding the Bible and its relevance today. People interested in knowing more about the impact of Jesus and how Jesus affects culture. People interested in, “What would Jesus do?” in these circumstances.
The meeting is held in the lower level of the Gateway Ministry Center, 80 Yarbrough Road, Hull 30646 (near Angie’s Place, off Hwy 72) from 6:30PM – 7:30PM on Mondays.
In James 1:27, the author writes, ”Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” HRMG regularly completes service projects in the North Georgia region. Past service projects have included the building of handicap decks for the elderly, cutting and delivery of firewood for single mothers, putting up a basketball goal for the local church youth group, installation of hand rails for those in need, removal of trees off of houses after a storm, assistance with Christian camp upkeep, and other physical building or upkeep projects. The external projects are just some of the ways that HRMG puts hands and feet to the lessons learned in bible study and prayer. These are also great times for fellowship, mentorship, and discipleship.
Other service projects are longer term, and include the continued financial support of missionaries. These special ministries, include:
Tommy and Dana Dove, working with CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) abroad in the Eastern Europe and Russia Headquarters located in Budapest, Hungary. Both are working on a team that gives leadership to all of the campus ministries in 20 countries. Tommy focuses on the development of the Bulgarian and Romanian student ministries. You can help some Tommy and Dana by giving online.